Sunday, April 5, 2009

My First Topsy Turvy & First Fondant

After seeing some very nice pictures of a friend's topsy turvy cakes, I got brave enough to try my first one!

Just for fun!

Verizon- I didn't want to have to eat all that cake, so sent it to work with my husband!

White cake, strawberry filling, fondant icing

Cake details:
(For those interested in all the specs on this one and my experience comments.)
I did a 6 layer white cake with strawberry filling and fondant. My layers are 6, 8, and 10 inches, and I was quite happy with the way they graduated. They cake also traveled well, even without any dowel support. I used a technique which I will definitely use for future topsy turvy cakes, when I cut into each layer so that the next layer could sit flat in there without making the stack lean more than it's supposed to in any one direction. I did of course make some mistakes though! I completely forgot to do my angled cut on the top layer until after the fondant was on, so it's angled on the top instead of parallel to the counter. I also had a little trouble with the fondant. I used a purchased kind for this first attempt, and though I was happy with the product, I probably should have rolled it a little thinner, had some trouble with it bunching on the cakes where i should have done my trimming and fitting differently, and had a slight issue with it drying out too quickly while I was working with it. The joys of living in the desert! I colored the red fondant myself, and thankfully had the forethought to wear gloves while doing so. I recommend it! I also used a tube decorator frosting to do the lettering on top, and know that could have been far smoother. It would probably have been better with fresh decorator icing.. isn't everything? But I was a little rushed by that time. Tube icing is tough to have at exactly the right temp and consistency to go on smoothly and the same all the time from my experience. It still has so many great applications.. but can be affected my normal heating and cooling in your home even.. which completely changes it for the next time you use it. Either way.. I need to practice my lettering some more!

(The best part for readers.. second to eating it!)

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